Calculation of detectable Gamma ray burst (GRB) event rate associated with Binary Neutron Star (BNS) mergers.

  • This is without considering a particular detectors’ sensitivity, but rather a general calculation of the rate of detectable GRBs based of viewing angle and luminosity distance. I have considered the inclination angle gravitational waves same as the viewing angle wrt GRB jet axis.

  • For BNS source redshift and mass distribution, refer here.

  • For lens and image properties, refer here.

Equations (GRB)

  • Ref: Granot, J. & Kumar, P. (2003). “Distribution of gamma-ray burst ejecta energy with Lorentz factor.” The Astrophysical Journal, 591(2), 1086-1096. DOI: 10.1086/375575

  • Disclamer: ChatGPT was used, partially, to get the following expression.

  • The observed energy of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) as a function of both the angular distance from the jet axis, \(\theta\), and the luminosity distance, \(D_L\), is given by:

\[E_{\text{obs}}(\theta) = \frac{\epsilon_0}{4\pi D_L^2} \left(\frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{\theta}{\theta_c}\right)^k}\right)\]
  • Here, \(E_{\text{obs}}(\theta)\) is the observed energy, \(\epsilon_0\) is the energy per unit solid angle at the jet axis, \(D_L\) is the luminosity distance, \(\theta\) is the veiwing angle wrt the jet axis, \(\theta_c\) is the core angle of the jet, and \(k\) is the power-law index that determines how quickly the energy decreases with angle.

  • I cosidered the core angle of the jet: \(\theta_c = 5\) deg. (this might be too much)

  • So, probability of detection is given by:

\[\begin{split}P_{det}(\theta,D_L) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ c l } 1 & \text{if } \theta \le 5 \text{ deg and } D_L \le 46652 \text{ Mpc } (z\sim 5) \\ 1 & \text{if } \frac{\text{a}}{4\pi D_L^2} \left(\frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{\theta}{5}\right)^{\text{c}}}\right) \ge 1 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\end{split}\]
  • Coefficients (a and c) are solved by considering conditions 2 and 3 below.,

    1. If angle <= 5 deg, distance <= distance_cut, then \(P_{det}\)(bool) = 1.

    2. Luminosity(core)/Luminosity(30deg) >= 100; from GW170817.

    3. pdet <1, If angle < 30 deg (at distance=40) or distance < 40 Mpc (at angle<30). This is by considering the GRB from GW170817 is barely detectable, with viewing angle=30 deg and distance=40 Mpc.

  • I have also tried to consider the angular dependence with dipole radiation formula. But, the enenrgy doesn’t drop off quick enough in the off-axis viewing angle. So, I have considered the above equation.

from ler.rates import LeR
import numpy as np

Probability of detection of GRBs

Finding the coefficients

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

# to find coefficient c
# consider: Luminosity(core)/Luminosity(30deg) >= 100; from GW170817
def equation(c):
    return (1 / (1 + (5 / 5)**c))/(1 / (1 + (30 / 5)**c)) - 100

c_guess = 3

# Solve the equation
c_solution = fsolve(equation, c_guess)

print(f"c = {c_solution[0]}")

# to find coefficient a
# consider: pdet = 1, If angle = 30 deg (at distance=40). This is by considering the GRB from GW170817 is barely detectable, with viewing angle=30 deg and distance=40 Mpc.
def equation(a):
    c = 2.9542496722537264
    angle = 30
    distance = 40
    return (1 / (1 + (angle / 5)**c))* (40/distance)**2 * a/(4*np.pi) - 1

a_guess = 3

# Solve the equation
a_solution = fsolve(equation, a_guess)

print(f"a = {a_solution[0]}")
c = 2.9542496722537264
a = 2513.274122871834

Function to calculate the probability of detection

# Find distance_cut
# convert redshift to luminoisty distance
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM
cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)
z = 5
d_L = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z)
print(f"d_L = {d_L}")
d_L = 46652.22297277721 Mpc
# distance_cut: z ~ 5
def pdet_grb(angle, distance, distance_cut=46652, duty_cycle=0.5, mask_duty_cycle=True, bool=True):
    Function to calculate the probability of detection for a given angle and distance for GRB. Coefficients are based on 2 and 3 the following conditions,

    0. GRB jet, core angle <= 5 deg
    1. If angle <= 5 deg, distance <= distance_cut, then pdet(bool) = 1
    2. Luminosity(core)/Luminosity(30deg) >= 100; from GW170817
    3. pdet <1, If angle < 30 deg (at distance=40) or distance < 40 Mpc (at angle<30). This is by considering the GRB from GW170817 is barely detectable, with viewing angle=30 deg and distance=40 Mpc.

    angle : numpy.ndarray
        Angle between the GRB jet and viewing angle in (rad)
    distance : numpy.ndarray
        Distance between the GRB source and the satellite in (Mpc)
    distance_cut : float
        Core angular size of the GRB jet in (rad)
        default is 25422.742 Mpc
    duty_cycle : float
        Duty cycle of detector(s)
        default is 0.5
    bool : bool
        if True, return absolute value of pdet
        if False, return the pdet value as boolean (with duty cycle applied)

    # coefficients, obtained with scipy.optimize fsolve by considering the condition 2,3 listed in docstring
    c = 2.9542496722537264
    a = 2513.274122871834

    # convert angle to degree
    angle = np.degrees(angle)

    # make sure that the input data is a numpy array
    angle, distance = np.array([angle]).reshape(-1), np.array([distance]).reshape(-1)

    # angle should be less than 90 or equal to 90
    if len(angle[angle > 90]) > 0:
        angle[angle > 90] = angle[angle > 90]%90

    if bool:
        # calculate the probability of detection, absolute value
        pdet = abs((1 / (1 + (angle / 5)**c))* (40/distance)**2 * a/(4*np.pi))

        # find idx of angle <= 5 and distance <= distance_cut
        idx = (angle <= 5) & (distance <= distance_cut)
        # apply the condition, condition 1 from docstring
        pdet[idx] = 1

        if mask_duty_cycle:
            # apply the duty cycle
            # sample random numbers from 0 to 1 and check if it is less than the duty cycle
            num_ = np.random.rand(len(angle))
            mask_duty_cycle = num_ > duty_cycle
            pdet[mask_duty_cycle] = 0

        # return the pdet as boolean
        return (pdet>=1).astype(int)
        # return the probability of detection (absolute value)
        return abs((1 / (1 + (angle / 5)**c))* (40/distance)**2 * a/(4*np.pi))


angle = np.array([1, 1, 30, 90])
angle = np.radians(angle)
distance = np.array([46652, 46653, 40, 40])
print(pdet_grb(angle, distance, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))
[1 0 1 0]

Pdet condition checks

print("condition 1, pdet(angle=core_angle,distance=distance_cut): ", pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(5), distance=46652, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))

print("condition 2, absolute value pdet(angle=5,distance=40)/pdet(angle=30,distance=40): ", pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(5), distance=40, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=False)/pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(30), distance=40, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=False))

print("condition 3")
print("  i) Detectable, pdet(angle=30,distance=40): ", pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(30), distance=40, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))
print("  ii) Not-Detectable, pdet(angle=31,distance=40): ", pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(31), distance=40, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))
print("  iii) Not-Detectable, pdet(angle=30,distance=50): ", pdet_grb(angle=np.radians(30), distance=50, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))
condition 1, pdet(angle=core_angle,distance=distance_cut):  [1]
condition 2, absolute value pdet(angle=5,distance=40)/pdet(angle=30,distance=40):  [100.]
condition 3
  i) Detectable, pdet(angle=30,distance=40):  [1]
  ii) Not-Detectable, pdet(angle=31,distance=40):  [0]
  iii) Not-Detectable, pdet(angle=30,distance=50):  [0]
  • let’s write out the function so that it can be used in with LeR

  • consider 50% duty cycle

from gwsnr.utils import save_json_dict

# let's write out the function so that it can be used in with LeR
def pdet_calculator(gw_param_dict, duty_cycle=0.5, mask_duty_cycle=True, bool=True, output_jsonfile=False):
    Function to calculate the probability of detection for a given angle and distance for GRB. This is based on the following condition

    1. GRB jet, core angle <= 5 deg
    2. If angle <= 5 deg, distance <= distance_cut, then pdet = 1
    3. Luminosity(core)/Luminosity(30deg) > 100, from GW170817

    gw_param_dict : dict
        dictionary containing the parameters for the GW event

    # get the angle and distance from the dictionary
    angle = gw_param_dict['theta_jn']
    distance = gw_param_dict['luminosity_distance']

    # calculate the probability of detection
    pdet = pdet_grb(angle, distance, duty_cycle=duty_cycle, mask_duty_cycle=mask_duty_cycle, bool=bool)
    pdet_net_dict = dict(pdet_net=pdet)

    # Save as JSON file, if output_jsonfile is provided
    if output_jsonfile:
        output_filename = (
            output_jsonfile if isinstance(output_jsonfile, str) else "pdet.json"
        save_json_dict(pdet_net_dict, output_filename)

    # return the pdet
    return pdet_net_dict
# test
gw_param_dict = {'theta_jn': np.radians(np.array([1, 30, 90])), 'luminosity_distance': np.array([2500, 40, 40])}
print(pdet_calculator(gw_param_dict, mask_duty_cycle=False, bool=True))
{'pdet_net': array([1, 1, 0])}

Rate calculation of GRB with LeR

  • initialize LeR with pdet calculator

ler = LeR(verbose=False, pdet_finder=pdet_calculator, event_type='BNS')

Unlensed events

ler.batch_size = 100000
unlensed_param = ler.unlensed_cbc_statistics(size=500000, output_jsonfile='unlensed_param_grb.json', resume=False);
unlensed params will be store in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_grb.json
chosen batch size = 100000 with total size = 500000
There will be 5 batche(s)
Batch no. 1
sampling gw source params...
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 2
sampling gw source params...
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 3
sampling gw source params...
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 4
sampling gw source params...
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 5
sampling gw source params...
calculating pdet...
saving all unlensed_params in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_grb.json...
ler.batch_size = 100000
lensed_param = ler.lensed_cbc_statistics(size=500000, output_jsonfile='lensed_param_grb.json', resume=False);
lensed params will be store in ./ler_data/lensed_param_grb.json
chosen batch size = 100000 with total size = 500000
There will be 5 batche(s)
Batch no. 1
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:25<00:00, 3996.84it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 4 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:02<00:00,  1.38it/s]
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 2
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4073.71it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 3 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:02<00:00,  1.09it/s]
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 3
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4064.70it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 2 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:02<00:00,  1.35s/it]
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 4
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4016.73it/s]
calculating pdet...
Batch no. 5
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:25<00:00, 3942.88it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 2 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:02<00:00,  1.35s/it]
calculating pdet...
saving all lensed_params in ./ler_data/lensed_param_grb.json...
rate_ratio, unlensed_param_detectable, lensed_param_detectable = ler.rate_comparision_with_rate_calculation(
getting unlensed_params from json file ./ler_data/unlensed_param_grb.json...
given detectability_condition == 'pdet'
total unlensed rate (yr^-1) (with step function): 2109.796632137801
number of simulated unlensed detectable events: 10190
number of all simulated unlensed events: 500000
storing detectable unlensed params in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_detectable.json
getting lensed_params from json file ./ler_data/lensed_param_grb.json...
given detectability_condition == 'pdet'
total lensed rate (yr^-1) (with pdet function): 2.117598781203888
number of simulated lensed detectable events: 4261
number of simulated all lensed events: 500000
storing detectable lensed params in ./ler_data/lensed_param_detectable.json
unlensed_rate (per year): 2109.796632137801
lensed_rate (per year): 2.117598781203888
ratio: 996.3155678330854
  • we have 2110 GRBs (detectable, un-lensed) per year

  • we have 2.11 GRBs (detectable, lensed) per year

  • ratio of lensed to un-lensed is 1:1000

Rate calculation of GW with LeR

  • using internal snr_calculator function, with gwsnr package.

  • Sensitivity: O4 design sensitivity, [L1,H1,V1]

  • for detection criteria of un-lensed BNS GW refer here, and for lensed BNS GW refer here.

ler = LeR(verbose=False, event_type='BNS')
ler.batch_size = 100000
unlensed_param = ler.unlensed_cbc_statistics(size=500000, output_jsonfile='unlensed_param_bns_gw.json', resume=False);
unlensed params will be store in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_bns_gw.json
chosen batch size = 100000 with total size = 500000
There will be 5 batche(s)
Batch no. 1
sampling gw source params...
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 2
sampling gw source params...
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 3
sampling gw source params...
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 4
sampling gw source params...
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 5
sampling gw source params...
calculating snrs...
saving all unlensed_params in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_bns_gw.json...
ler.batch_size = 100000
lensed_param = ler.lensed_cbc_statistics(size=500000, output_jsonfile='lensed_param_bns_gw.json', resume=False);
lensed params will be store in ./ler_data/lensed_param_bns_gw.json
chosen batch size = 100000 with total size = 500000
There will be 5 batche(s)
Batch no. 1
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:25<00:00, 3861.70it/s]
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 2
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4054.86it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 2 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:02<00:00,  1.37s/it]
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 3
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4052.37it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 2 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:02<00:00,  1.45s/it]
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 4
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4021.48it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 1 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:03<00:00,  3.19s/it]
calculating snrs...
Batch no. 5
sampling lensed params...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100000/100000 [00:24<00:00, 4062.46it/s]
Invalid sample found. Resampling 2 lensed events...
solving lens equations...
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:03<00:00,  1.52s/it]
calculating snrs...
saving all lensed_params in ./ler_data/lensed_param_bns_gw.json...
rate_ratio, unlensed_param_detectable, lensed_param_detectable = ler.rate_comparision_with_rate_calculation(
getting unlensed_params from json file ./ler_data/unlensed_param_bns_gw.json...
given detectability_condition == 'step_function'
total unlensed rate (yr^-1) (with step function): 2.898641104016606
number of simulated unlensed detectable events: 14
number of all simulated unlensed events: 500000
storing detectable unlensed params in ./ler_data/unlensed_param_detectable.json
getting lensed_params from json file ./ler_data/lensed_param_bns_gw.json...
given detectability_condition == 'step_function'
total lensed rate (yr^-1) (with step function): 0.008448528345568198
number of simulated lensed detectable events: 17
number of simulated all lensed events: 500000
storing detectable lensed params in ./ler_data/lensed_param_detectable.json
unlensed_rate (per year): 2.898641104016606
lensed_rate (per year): 0.008448528345568198
ratio: 343.094203564711
  • we have 2.9 GWs (detectable, un-lensed) per year

  • we have 0.0084 GWs (detectable, lensed) per year

  • ratio of lensed to un-lensed is 1:343

Final results

Table for GRB and GW rates











