Statistical study of changing Mass model paramter(s)

  • In this notebook I will show the effect of changing mass model parameter on the detectable gravitational waves (GW) event rates per year

Binary Black Hole (BBH) Mass Model

  • I will use the power-law+peak mass model and change the slope of the power-law component (\(\alpha\)) on the mass function.

  • Here is the default parameters and resultant distribution of the chosen mass model:




















Binary Neutron Star (BNS) Mass Model

  • The mass distribution of neutron stars in binary neutron star (BNS) systems can be characterized by a bimodal distribution, which can be modeled using a double Gaussian distribution. Each normal distribution is independently truncated and normalized in the range [1, 2.3] \(M_{\odot}\), ensuring that the neutron star masses are within the physically plausible range.

  • This bimodal distribution is thought to reflect the different evolutionary paths that neutron stars can take. For more details, refer to Alsing et al. 2018 and M. Farr et al. 2020.

  • I will change the maximum cut (\(m_{\text{max}}\)) on the mass function.

  • Here is the default parameters and resultant distribution of the chosen mass model:






1.352 \(M_{\odot}\)


0.08 \(M_{\odot}\)


1.88 \(M_{\odot}\)


0.3 \(M_{\odot}\)


2.3 \(M_{\odot}\)



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ler.rates import GWRATES
# # initialization
ler = GWRATES(verbose=False, event_type='BBH')
  • When LeR class is initialized, the mass model is created with the default parameters. This is in the form of a interpolation and the parameters are fixed.

  • I will change the function of the mass model with a default power-law+peak mass model and change the maximum cut (\(m_{\text{maxbh}}\)) on the mass function.

  • Below I will providing an example. But first let me show you which models are available in the ler.

dict_keys(['merger_rate_density', 'source_frame_masses', 'zs', 'spin', 'geocent_time', 'ra', 'phase', 'psi', 'theta_jn'])
{'binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian': {'mminbh': 4.98,
  'mmaxbh': 112.5,
  'alpha': 3.78,
  'mu_g': 32.27,
  'sigma_g': 3.88,
  'lambda_peak': 0.03,
  'delta_m': 4.8,
  'beta': 0.81},
 'binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal': {'Mc': 30.0, 'sigma': 0.3, 'beta': 1.1},
 'binary_masses_BBH_primordial_lognormal': {'Mc': 30.0,
  'sigma': 0.3,
  'beta': 1.1},
 'binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo': {'mminns': 1.0, 'mmaxns': 3.0, 'alphans': 0.0},
 'binary_masses_BNS_bimodal': {'w': 0.643,
  'muL': 1.352,
  'sigmaL': 0.08,
  'muR': 1.88,
  'sigmaR': 0.3,
  'mmin': 1.0,
  'mmax': 2.3}}
  • changing mass function parameter \(\alpha\) for sampling. Considered values are,

  • you can have only ‘size’ as input parameter

  • These mass function returns the mass of the binary black hole in the unit of solar mass (\(m_1\), \(m_2\)).

# with default value
ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian(size=size, alpha=3.78)

# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.hist(ler.sample_source_frame_masses(10000)[0], bins=100, histtype='step', color='k', density=True, label='alpha=3.78')

# with custom value
ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian(size=size, alpha=2.63)

# plot
plt.hist(ler.sample_source_frame_masses(10000)[0], bins=100, histtype='step', color='r', density=True, label='alpha=2.63')
plt.xlabel(r'$m_1$ (Bigger mass of the binary in $M_{\odot}$)')

  • let’s make a range of \(\alpha\) between the two values

Calculation of rates (per year)

alpha_arr = np.linspace(2.63, 3.78, 10)
gw_rates = np.zeros_like(alpha_arr)
sample_size = 1000000  # increase the sample size to 1 million for better statistics
ler.batch_size = 100000

# let's suppress some of the print outputs
import contextlib

for i, alpha in enumerate(alpha_arr):
    print("\n iteration: ", i)
    ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian(size=size, alpha=alpha)

    # un-lensed
    with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None):  # suppress print output
        rate,_ = ler.gw_rate(output_jsonfile="gw_param_detectable_"+str(i)+".json")
    gw_rates[i] = rate
    print(f'gw rate per year (alpha={alpha}): {rate}')

 iteration:  0
gw rate per year (alpha=2.63): 602.399735152594

 iteration:  1
gw rate per year (alpha=2.7577777777777777): 583.6620908730581

 iteration:  2
gw rate per year (alpha=2.8855555555555554): 541.7353177613893

 iteration:  3
gw rate per year (alpha=3.013333333333333): 516.4757309978161

 iteration:  4
gw rate per year (alpha=3.141111111111111): 500.0155904428646

 iteration:  5
gw rate per year (alpha=3.2688888888888887): 490.69852975138264

 iteration:  6
gw rate per year (alpha=3.3966666666666665): 471.8573625752747

 iteration:  7
gw rate per year (alpha=3.5244444444444443): 465.12837429809326

 iteration:  8
gw rate per year (alpha=3.652222222222222): 447.6330047774216

 iteration:  9
gw rate per year (alpha=3.78): 430.13763525675
# linear fit to the rates
from scipy.stats import linregress

slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(alpha_arr, gw_rates)
print(f'gw rate: slope={slope}, intercept={intercept}, r_value={r_value}, p_value={p_value}, std_err={std_err}')

# gw_rates vs alpha
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.plot(alpha_arr, gw_rates, 'k.', label='gw rates')
plt.plot(alpha_arr, slope*alpha_arr + intercept, 'r-', label='gw fit')
plt.xlabel(r'$\alpha$ (power-law index)')
plt.ylabel('rate per year')
gw rate: slope=-143.657045929216, intercept=965.3951693918017, r_value=-0.9795941702168517, p_value=7.401514058755967e-07, std_err=10.420797560559112
  • The change in rate is significant and has a decreasing trend as \(\alpha\) increases.

  • Increasing the value of \(\alpha\) results in more BBH events is mass range [15, 30] \(M_{\odot}\)

  • You can repeat the same test for other parameters as well.

  • You can repeat the same test for 3G detectors as well.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ler.rates import GWRATES
# # initialization
ler = GWRATES(verbose=False, event_type='BNS')
{'binary_masses_BBH_popI_II_powerlaw_gaussian': {'mminbh': 4.98,
  'mmaxbh': 112.5,
  'alpha': 3.78,
  'mu_g': 32.27,
  'sigma_g': 3.88,
  'lambda_peak': 0.03,
  'delta_m': 4.8,
  'beta': 0.81},
 'binary_masses_BBH_popIII_lognormal': {'Mc': 30.0, 'sigma': 0.3, 'beta': 1.1},
 'binary_masses_BBH_primordial_lognormal': {'Mc': 30.0,
  'sigma': 0.3,
  'beta': 1.1},
 'binary_masses_BNS_gwcosmo': {'mminns': 1.0, 'mmaxns': 3.0, 'alphans': 0.0},
 'binary_masses_BNS_bimodal': {'w': 0.643,
  'muL': 1.352,
  'sigmaL': 0.08,
  'muR': 1.88,
  'sigmaR': 0.3,
  'mmin': 1.0,
  'mmax': 2.3}}
# with default value
ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BNS_bimodal(size=size, mmax=2.3)

# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.hist(ler.sample_source_frame_masses(10000)[0], bins=100, histtype='step', color='k', density=True, label='mmax=2.3')

# with custom value
ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BNS_bimodal(size=size, mmax=3)

# plot
plt.hist(ler.sample_source_frame_masses(10000)[0], bins=100, histtype='step', color='r', density=True, label='mmax=3')
plt.xlabel(r'$m_1$ (Bigger mass of the binary in $M_{\odot}$)')

binary_masses_BNS_bimodal interpolator will be loaded from ./interpolator_pickle/binary_masses_BNS_bimodal/binary_masses_BNS_bimodal_0.pickle
binary_masses_BNS_bimodal interpolator will be loaded from ./interpolator_pickle/binary_masses_BNS_bimodal/binary_masses_BNS_bimodal_1.pickle


mmax_arr = np.linspace(2.3, 3, 5)
gw_rates_bns = np.zeros_like(mmax_arr)
sample_size = 2000000  # increase the sample size to 2 million for better statistics
ler.batch_size = 100000

# let's suppress some of the print outputs
import contextlib

for i, mmax in enumerate(mmax_arr):
    print("\n iteration: ", i)
    ler.sample_source_frame_masses = lambda size: ler.binary_masses_BNS_bimodal(size=size, mmax=mmax)

    # un-lensed
    with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None):  # suppress print output
        rate,_ = ler.gw_rate(output_jsonfile="gw_param_bns_detectable_"+str(i)+".json")
    gw_rates_bns[i] = rate
    print(f'gw rate (mmax={mmax}): {rate}')

 iteration:  0
gw rate (mmax=2.3): 1.9669350348684111

 iteration:  1
gw rate (mmax=2.4749999999999996): 2.898641104016606

 iteration:  2
gw rate (mmax=2.65): 2.5880724143005414

 iteration:  3
gw rate (mmax=2.825): 3.8821086214508123

 iteration:  4
gw rate (mmax=3.0): 2.691595310872563
# linear fit to the rates
from scipy.stats import linregress

slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(mmax_arr, gw_rates_bns)
print(f'gw rate: slope={slope}, intercept={intercept}, r_value={r_value}, p_value={p_value}, std_err={std_err}')

# gw_rates vs mmax
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
plt.plot(mmax_arr, gw_rates_bns, 'k.', label='gw rates')
plt.plot(mmax_arr, slope*mmax_arr + intercept, 'r-', label='gw fit')
plt.xlabel(r'$m_{\max}$ (Bimodal distribution)')
plt.ylabel('rate per year')
gw rate: slope=1.3901646111100057, intercept=-0.8784657223397283, r_value=0.5535928457320664, p_value=0.33301505236005835, std_err=1.2073948295286805
  • rate and \(m_max\) does not have a strong linear relationship, but an increasing trend is observed.

  • The rate is higher for higher \(m_{\text{max}}\) values. This is because higher mass BBHs have higher SNRs and are detectable at larger distances.

from astropy.cosmology import Planck18

# Accessing cosmological parameters
H0 = Planck18.H0
Om0 = Planck18.Om0
Ode0 = Planck18.Ode0

print(f"Hubble constant (H0): {H0}")
print(f"Matter density parameter (Om0): {Om0}")
print(f"Dark energy density parameter (Ode0): {Ode0}")

Hubble constant (H0): 67.66 km / (Mpc s)
Matter density parameter (Om0): 0.30966
Dark energy density parameter (Ode0): 0.6888463055445441
from astropy.cosmology import LambdaCDM
cosmo = LambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, Ode0=0.7)

# Accessing cosmological parameters
H0 = cosmo.H0
Om0 = cosmo.Om0
Ode0 = cosmo.Ode0

print(f"Hubble constant (H0): {H0}")
print(f"Matter density parameter (Om0): {Om0}")
print(f"Dark energy density parameter (Ode0): {Ode0}")
Hubble constant (H0): 70.0 km / (Mpc s)
Matter density parameter (Om0): 0.3
Dark energy density parameter (Ode0): 0.7
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